Monday, February 25, 2013

Help, I can't decide what to do!

I bought a 3ds over the summer because I expected New Leaf to be out by now and that was the main factor in me buying one. Shortly after...the 3ds XL came out. At first I thought the XL was dumb and I had no interest...but after I saw it in person my 3ds screen started seeming tiny in comparison. I don't play it daily or anything at the moment just Harvest Moon, Pokemon, or Mario 3d Land once or twice a week maybe. However when summer gets here I will have more time to play and especially when New Leaf comes out I will be spending a lot of time looking at those screens. I am also probably going to get Luigis Mansion and Pokemon X or Y so now I am thinking it might be worth I am in the process of convincing my boyfriend to give New Leaf a try--so maybe having two 3ds's would be fun! I am planning to wait until New Leaf is released to decide incase they release a bundle...but In all honesty I think I would rather the pink one. Plus my tax money will be in soon and it is reeeaaally tempting me (I have a thing for impulse buys lol).

Sunday, February 24, 2013

What to do, what to do....

Heads up this entry isn't 100% Animal Crossing related...but it does relate to what I am doing to help the time pass while I wait for the release date and give some info on me if you're interested. Since the release date has been announced I haven't been spending quite as much time on Animal Crossing forums or watching as many gameplay videos (though its probably still too much) but I am still just as anxious for June 9th.

I have decided that I am going to run my first 5k at the end of April and have just started training. I used to be a swimmer in high school but now (my second year of college) I am out of shape and missing being athletic. I really hope that training for this race will be the motivation I need to lose some of my extra weight and get fit for summer! I also bought a kettle bell kit that I got for a STEAL at Target because I heard that is supposed to be an intense and effective workout.  Hey I have to wait until summer for New Leaf anyway...might as well get fit in the meantime right?

This is the kettle bell I got in case you are interested the bundle of this with the dvd is normally $30 but It was on clearance at my target for like $9.
Plus I have to train so that I can run from Tom Nook if need be:

And so I can look good when I go for a swim and hang out on the beach:

Oh and also so that I can pick myself up when I inevitably stumble into a pitfall:

Speaking of pitfalls, I have/am in the process of inventing a game with them (I am working out some of the details in City Folk but I will most likely wait until New Leaf comes out and show off  the final version in a gameplay video!)

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Interesting Picture #1 and #2

Alright first of all I want to give a shout out to my first ever commenter, the author of Turning Over a New Leaf. She also said some kind things about my blog which made me feel pretty good. I hope that we can play together in the future when New Leaf is released and maybe get some more material for our blogs from that gameplay as well.

Next, I just want to put a nod to my new countdown clock at the top of this page, sorry if the hour and stuff is off it is 1)set to my time zone and 2) I was unable and/or didn't have the patience to find one without hours on it.  :P

Anyways....on to the subject of today's post: I felt bad because I have been neglecting pictures...which is the best part so I have decided that when I come across some interesting pictures I am going to post them and analyze them a bit so here it goes.

Basically this one just shows how nice the museum looks in New Leaf. I also think some of these fish are new! (The one with the red fins in the front at least) ABOUT TIME! We needed new fish to catch! 

This one appears to be a shooting star. Its pretty interesting because that star is so close it has led me to believe that one of these theories is true: 
A) The cliffs are now SO high that you are practically in space 
B) That is not a shooting start, but rather a meteor that narrowly missed this New Leaf character and is headed for a crash landing....scary! 

(I mean hey...might as well make up some theories while we wait huh?) 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Results Are In!

The first poll has closed and the majority of you said that community projects are your favorite new addition to New Leaf! 10 people voted...not to terrible for my first pole I suppose! Help me get 20 responses to the next one by having your friends vote! :)

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Release Date...Now What?

So now that we've gotten a release date I have somewhat taken back my life...haha. But now I'm not sure what to do...June just seems so far away. Thankfully I have a busy semester that should help the time go by fast but just incase I might pick up Luigi's Mansion when it comes out. I am also thinking about posting a bell making guide. It will be a little unpolished since I will be relying solely  on my experiences in the past games but I will definitely add new information after the release of New Leaf.

Thursday, February 14, 2013


Animal Crossing New Leaf has an official North American release date! It will be available June 9, 2013! It was announced during the Nintendo Direct this morning. Although its later than I expected and therefore a little disappointing, I'm just glad to know the date after all this time. I was expecting more April/May but at least I'll be done with school and settled into my summer routine...whatever that may be. Wooohoo! Big N says there's more info to come on a mysterious "NA exclusive feature" closer to release.


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

My Top Five Favorite Features/Additions that are new to Animal Crossing New Leaf

5.) Mayorship- This is the big twist the series needed. The opening game play was always the same...moving on your own for the first time and working for Tom Nook to pay off debt and frankly that was getting old. Now FINALLY we have a change. No longer are we in Nook's shadow. There will be lots of new tasks for us to complete now which should definitely add some lifespan to the game.

4.) QR Codes- I always enjoyed making patterns but I just don't have the talent or patience to make really nice ones like I'd see online. It will be very convenient to be able to scan QR codes and use them in my town, especially for pathways!

3.) Personal Museum Exhibit Rooms- This is something I never expected but is something I "subconsciously" was looking for. I always like to make my house "homey" so I always have all these things I want to display but don't want to take up space in a house for. I have some cool ideas that I will keep secret for now, but some of the other things I may do are display the Nintendo/Mario items, as well as the Animal Crossing models and in-game awards.

2.) New Furniture Items- This is the main thing that made me furious about City Folk! Although it did get free DLC items which was kind of Nintendo, it lacked new items out the box. I felt like I was limited to making the same exact rooms as I had already done in Wild World. New Leaf has several new furniture series as well as many new furniture items. On top of that we were also told that we would get free DLC once again. Hooray!

1.) Community Projects- This one is my favorite because of the longevity I think it will give to the game. The projects are fairly expensive so I think it will give more reason to play longer. Theres so many more needs for bells in this game, shops to open, decorations to's pretty exciting. Its also my number one because its something I wanted ever since I played the Gamecube version...I remember being so mad when I tried to put my hammock outside and it dropped as a LEAF. Now I can finally have my outdoor hammock!

Welcome to Well of Bells!

Hey guys, my name is Kacy and I am a huge fan of the Animal Crossing series! I have played every (North American) installment of the series. As soon as I picked up the Game Cube version I fell in love with the series. The last installment, City Folk was fun and it still gave me enjoyment, but my interest in it dwindled a lot faster than with the other two because of the lack of new features.

BUT! Now there is a new installment to the series: Animal Crossing:NEW LEAF. Unlike City Folk, this title seems to be everything I have ever wished for in a new Animal Crossing game! I am so excited for this release, I can't even contain myself. Which is why I have decided to start this blog.

 I have decided to blog throughout my New Leaf journey. I will upload pictures and possibly even video from my gameplay. I will also be posting tips and strategies along the way for those who may be new to the series, as well as some links to some other Animal Crossing blogs and forums that I find helpful/entertaining. I am currently working on a Bell-Making guide that should launch before the NA release date and will be improved upon after the release. Please ask questions and make request in the comments and I will adress those in my future posts!

See ya soon!