Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Printable Countdown Calendar is here! :)

Check it out on my "PRINTABLES" page!

The Future of this Blog:

Okay guys, this blog may not be getting the attention I had hoped for yet but I am not giving up yet! In fact I am stepping it up! I've been faced with a challenge: there are 88 days left until New Leaf is released in North America...how do I go about building up my blog when it is so far away and I'm running out of new things to blog about related to the game?
Well I've come up with several solutions:

1) FREE PRINTABLES!!! I am currently working on a New Leaf Countdown printable for NA, (can be adapted for the other regions) which should be available sometime this week. I am also thinking of doing some cute printable checklist for bugs, fish, and fossils. (Other requests/ideas welcome)

2) Wild World Journal To help pass the time I have started playing Animal Crossing Wild World over again. I have a rather new town so I will blog about that from time to time. I am also thinking of starting a youtube channel showing some of the basics of AC to try to get new players into the game  and help them along the way.

3) Guides Not sure about this yet but I was thinking of making some basic guides such as for bell-making.

Please let me know what you think of these ideas and any suggestions you may have. Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote in te poll!

Monday, March 11, 2013

It's been awhile...

Well my midterms are finally behind me and I think they went okay...hopefully. Theres stuff I need to get done before I start another week tomorrow but for now I am just gonna relax and try to make a decent post here :)

I am having one of those days where I am feeling extra impatient for New Leaf. It might be because of Lin and Ko's new video. I am just getting so excited about all of the new things there are to do in this game and I really cannot wait to get started! It feels like time is starting to move faster but there are still 90 days left...but hey its only 3 months WE CAN DO IT!


Here are some of the things that I am excited to do in New Leaf:

Collect all golden and silver tools: Although this isn't really a new feature I am still excited because there are new benefits such as the watering can being able to water 9 flowers at once! I have also never gotten the golden net or fishing rod so I plan to set that as a long term goal this time.

Complete the Museum: same deal as above, I have always gotten lazy and never completed my museum...this time I plan to actually work on it so that I can enjoy this game for a long long time.

Get a Perfect Town: I have set out many times to complete a perfect town in past games but I have never achieved it in WW or CF. I think this time I will try to do it early on since that is when I will be most glued to the screen.

Collect all Medals: This is a new feature in New Leaf that I love because it give more goals to reach! I haven't looked too deeply into it because like I have said before I am trying to leave a few surprises but I do know that you get medals for things like fishing and bug catching once you reach a certain number of catches.

Obviously there are many more goals such as getting all shops, upgrading my house, getting my ideal house exterior, collecting holiday sets....etc. I hope that the rest of this school year goes by quick and June will get here soon because I really cant wait!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


I definitely did not get 20 voters this week. It was a bit inconclusive but it seems most people either had an XL or wanted on of some kind. I don't really have much time to come up with a good post this week because It is my midterms week which I really need to nail! That said I just didn't want to go postless this week. If anyone has any request or ideas of what I should blog on next week or what the next polling question should be add a comment and I will try to address it! See ya soon!