Sunday, February 24, 2013

What to do, what to do....

Heads up this entry isn't 100% Animal Crossing related...but it does relate to what I am doing to help the time pass while I wait for the release date and give some info on me if you're interested. Since the release date has been announced I haven't been spending quite as much time on Animal Crossing forums or watching as many gameplay videos (though its probably still too much) but I am still just as anxious for June 9th.

I have decided that I am going to run my first 5k at the end of April and have just started training. I used to be a swimmer in high school but now (my second year of college) I am out of shape and missing being athletic. I really hope that training for this race will be the motivation I need to lose some of my extra weight and get fit for summer! I also bought a kettle bell kit that I got for a STEAL at Target because I heard that is supposed to be an intense and effective workout.  Hey I have to wait until summer for New Leaf anyway...might as well get fit in the meantime right?

This is the kettle bell I got in case you are interested the bundle of this with the dvd is normally $30 but It was on clearance at my target for like $9.
Plus I have to train so that I can run from Tom Nook if need be:

And so I can look good when I go for a swim and hang out on the beach:

Oh and also so that I can pick myself up when I inevitably stumble into a pitfall:

Speaking of pitfalls, I have/am in the process of inventing a game with them (I am working out some of the details in City Folk but I will most likely wait until New Leaf comes out and show off  the final version in a gameplay video!)

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